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Claudio Laks Eizirik

Cláudio Laks EizirikIn the last two years I had the great pleasure of working with Giovanni Foresti in the IPA Committee on Psychoanalysis and the Mental Health Field. I am extremely impressed by his wide knowledge both of psychoanalysis and its many ways of connecting to other áreas of mental health, as well as his deep understanding of groups and institutional processes, as well as the supervisory process with analysts and other professionals. Giovanni Foresti has also a wide knowledge of colleagues working in our analytic institutions, and in similar ones. All these facts make Giovanni a man of our time, full of energy, dedication to work, analytic and relational skills, and a clear vision of current challenges to psychoanalysis and the best ways to face them.I have no doubt that he has all the conditions to be an excellent member of the IPA Board, and that he will strongly contribute for the development of psychoanalysis and the IPA.


Claudio Laks Eizirik