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I have known Giovanni Foresti for nearly twenty years. During that time I have had the pleasure of working with Giovanni in a close working relationship regarding Group Relations learning events; in his convening of OPUS Listening Posts; and at the OPUS International Conference, ‘Organisational & Social Dynamics’. In regard to the latter, Giovanni has presented several well received psychodynamic papers, to this highly international membership.


In regard to OPUS Listening Posts, Giovanni has taken part as a Convenor of Listening Posts in Italy as part of the OPUS Listening Post Project, for over ten years. The aim of Listening Posts is to identify current dynamics in society using a largely psychodynamic approach.


However, it is in regard to group Relations learning that Giovanni has developed an exceedingly high degree of skills and knowledge that is highly relevant to his clinical practice. Developing knowledge from a group as a whole perspective, enables him to appreciate that it is not sufficient to see the analysand solely as an individual; but always as a member of a group, be that a family, work or other group. And, as such, being part of, and influenced by, organisational and group dynamics. In addition he has gained important knowledge and understanding of his own participation in groups.


Over the years, he has also actively encouraged other analysts and psychiatrists to attend Group Relations learning opportunities, so that they may also have the benefit of influencing their clinical practice.

Giovanni’s pleasant disposition, sensitivity and diplomacy, coupled with skilful leadership, make him a strong candidate for nomination to any leading organisation; including the IPA. I strongly support him and know that if selected, he will add much to the future prospects of the IPA.


Lionel Stapley